Concept Design: Link Type, Direction, and Endpoint
Alterations and additions:
- Redesign of links to distinguish:
- Link direction.
- Link endpoint (by improving the design of the brackets).
- Added a legend (a list of the icons and symbols).
- Color coding:
- Title underline is replaced by border color.
Visual Distinction of Links: Link Type, Link Direction, Link Endpoint
Link types: Transclusion, seqlink, and taglink.
Link direction: To or from a document and another.
Link endpoints: Distinguishing between a link that points to an entire document and a link that points to a particular part of a document.
Examples of different link types, directions, and endpoints are seen in the image below.
Links are visualized as a single element separate from the label.
The image below shows what it would look like if multiple labels were attached to a taglink.
Improvements Due
- Color-coding needs improvement.
- As noted in the previous entry, there are only so many distinct colors. A two-color system can be applied. One active color for the open document and an inactive color for the aliases.
The next entry explores the implementation of these alterations in the concept design.